Imagen cabecera Asistencia en Carretera



Roadside assistance

Global STAR® has developed for its clients a service that provides assistance 24 hours a day, every day of the year, for the release of their vehicles by advancing the payment of fines incurred in countries of the European Union.


You can call 902 356 035 on a 24 hours-a-day basis, and we will find the best solution in the shortest time possible. We have multiple services with different conditions so we can adapt to the needs of our customers:


  • 24 Plus Support, with a reduced annual fee and fixed costs per intervention.
  • GG Support, with a monthly fee without intervention expenses.
  • Duplo Fines, for the complete management of fines in both the advance payment and the appeal of fines. More information in the section Duplo Fines.



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Carburante Global STAR Reservas Global STARRecuperación de Impuestos Global STAR (garantía JML)Asistencia en carretera 24 horas Global STARRecurso de Sanciones Global STARSeguros Global STAR Registro medioambiental Global STAR Peajes Global STARPuentes de Pago Global STARTúneles de Pago Global STARMás servicios Global STAR